Author Archives: cbevis
Question/Answer 2
Question/Answer 1
Caden’s Showme 6th Period
Tener Project
Funnest Cookie Project In The World!!!!!!!!!!
Howler Resume
NAME: Homerun Howler
Banana Island, CA 903-124-5678
Great experience in baseball and works well with other teammates.
Great hand eye coordination,
Great hitter,
Works well with teammates,
Willing to give it all,
Good fielder
65 homerun’s in 1 season in MLB
played all my life
won 4 world series
4 years at Oregon University
Played all 4 years
One clear summer night the TIDE got bigger, in science class I remembered that we were in a spring tide. The gravity of the sun and the moon pulling on the oceans. The moon has a stronger pull because it is closer to Earth than the Sun. The sun and the moon have revolution and rotation the moon always shows half because it rotates and revolves at the same time it takes 28 days to compleate one rotation, and revolution; the Sun takes 365 1/4 days to compleate on revolution, and 24 hours to compleate 1 rotation. the Earth rotates on its axis – an imaginary line through the middle of Earth. I am a little boy learning about Earth and Space and the Sun its very fun even the axis is at 23.5 and always pointing to the North Star. I’m at the beach and the Ultra Violet rays are attacking me and trying to give me a sunburn but i got my sunblock to protect me from the UV rays. A star cluster is very pretty UN believable for i saw a picture from a astronaut.The sun has Sun Spots places that are not as hot as the other spots on the sun and has Solar Flares. Me and my friend were playing ball and i shot really high and it fell and hit him in the face and he got a bloody nose and i was wondering why it fell and hit him the reason why is because gravity affected the ball. vacuum is an area in space that has no matter so no air or pressure and in the space ships they have to make sure there are no leaks.
Ecology Poem
Mutualism, benefits both organisms.
Commensalism, benefits one organism as the other is not harmed.
Paratalism and parasites, get nutrients as you suffer.
Niche, is what I do to keep myself a going.
Community, and ecosystem is the population of you and me.
Decomposers, eats the animals that have died to keep the Earth clean.
Host, is a animal that provides food for parasites.
Niche, is what the animal has to do to live.
Diversity, is the different animals in one area.
Adaptation, is what an animal does physically to live in the type of area it lives in.
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